Tag Archives: Hungry Howie’s pizza

Just One Day?

aaawww *sigh* — Valentine’s Day…

Hope you had a great one. I did.

Ken is not always the most patient person especially when it comes to gifts. He got his Valentine’s day present the day before. A single white rose and framed quote. But his card he would have to wait for!

“If I had my life to live over again…
Next time I would find you sooner so that I could love you longer.” —
quote in frame

On the 14th he told me that I would be getting something delivered, that he just hoped it made it on time. Throughout the day, I saw all the other arrangements that arrived (front desk privileges) and received numerous texts from him to see if I had received anything yet. Same answer though: nope, not yet :).

Patience is a virtue… but it can be hard!

Then at 4:30 my flowers finally arrived! They were so pretty and had a heart balloon 🙂

Special Delivery!

The lady that delivered them asked me if I had already received another arrangement… to which I looked confused and said nooo?…then she explained that somehow my arrangement could not be found and so the woman at the shop threw this arrangement together so that I could get one. Which I thought was nice but was still confused at how they lost the original arrangement.

When I got home I thanked Ken for my flowers and he said he was relieved that they made it. I told him the story that the delivery woman had relayed to me, he then looked closely at the arrangement and said he didn’t know if it was exactly what he ordered. He pulled up the website and double-checked what he ordered and while they were simular, was not the same.

(source) — I was even more impressed that he chose this arrangement for me! I’ve tried impressing on him the fact that I love other flowers besides standard roses — I think it’s worked!

The presentation was different, it was missing some flowers and it appeared to be a small arrangement size (he paid for large) with more greenery than flowers. Like I said, I was happy with them, they are pretty, but for what he ordered and paid for, they were not right. I urged him to email the company, he of course said I could.. so I did the next morning. The result was definitely not what we expected.. they refunded him completely and gave a $20.00 gift card. Wow, thank you.

We were planning to go out to eat but at the last minute decided to stay in exchange cards, light candles and order Hungry Howie’s pizza.. yum!
We changed into our jammies (okay, okay.. he was in lounge pants and t-shirt.. I was the one in fleece pants and my Chilly Willy shirt) and finally watched the two hour premier of Terra Nova we had been avoiding saving for the right moment. It is a really good show and we have the whole season stored on our dvr… no waiting for new episodes! It was nothing fancy or g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s (thanks Fergie!) but we enjoyed spending time together.

Which brings me to the title of this post… should the concept of Valentine’s Day be only for just one day? One day set aside to show someone how much you love them? Or should it serve as a reminder of how we should view and treat our loved ones all year long? I believe that it helps us remember what it really important: set time aside to spend it with the one you love … with some extra flowers and gifts added in 😉

How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Did you plan/do anything extra special?