I’m a Playa..

                                             A long time ago in a galaxy living room far, far away…….

sat a man and woman in their pj’s clicking away at their desktop and laptop respectively. Yes, my husband and I are gamers. Him more so than me, I enjoy watching the interesting storyline of a game if he is playing one I’m not into playing for myself. He has PS3 with Move, XBox 360 with Kinect, and a Wii that has been shoved into the bedroom (poor Wii.. I’m sorry but we really don’t have much use for you since Kinect came out.)

One christmas gift I got him was the new MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game) for the PC called Star Wars The Old Republic. At the time of purchase I just thought it would be another game to add to the collection, something I’d ask about the gameplay but wouldn’t be interested in it for myself. Then I saw him playing it. It is awesome! Not only does it have the basically standard features of an MMO: you create your character, choosing your species and class (e.g. Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler and a few others) BUT there are options when it comes to conversation responses in the fully cinematic interactions with mission givers. So how you choose to respond changes not only how they respond to you but the rest of the gameplay and some decisions give you either Light side points or Dark side points… depending on which side of the Force you’d like to stand.

So with that being said I got my very own copy of the game last week and have been hooked since! Spending our evenings going on sometimes perilous missions listening to the sweet sounds of ptew ptew ptew of blasters and the wmaaa wmaaaa waaaaamss of lightsabers.

Nerd… I know… But I think I prefer the term Geek…

Today’s #FebPhotoADay was words

“In a world where you can be anything ~~ Be yourself”

Years ago I saw these words in a magazine and they have stuck with me. I even cut it out and taped it on my closet door(ya know that was the cool thing to do, along with movie posters on the wall)

Day 2 of Naked Eyes

Yep, I think I rocked my naked eyes today.. and notice that Farrah Fawcett feathering (say that 10 times fast) going on.. my hair wants to do that naturally, it would have been awesome in the 70’s.

Are there any games you like to play? Any words that inspire or have stuck with you?

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